Sunday, May 8, 2011

6 devices the US Navy SEALs used to corner bin Laden

Curious about what kinds of gadgets the US Navy SEALS used to track and bring down the numero uno terror threat known as Osama bin Laden? Check out the gallery below and see the devices used against the terror kingpin that sure could do wonders for our country's own armed forces.

Flash Bang

Ah, FB (no, not Facebook), one of the most popular (and cheapest) items you could buy in the game Counter-Strike. Guess what? It does have its real-world uses, too, as it was used to help the Navy SEALS penetrate Osama's compound by blinding their enemies.

Helmet-mounted cameras

The commandos that raided bin Laden's compound used helmet-mounted cameras that were connected via Satellite and were useful for receiving and relaying tactical information to and from HQ. Think of it these as the eyes of those who aren't really physically part of the operation.

Stealth Drone

Ah, the Stealth Drone, specifically the Lockheed Martin RQ-170, one of them military toys that we really want to see in action. This one right here boasts a humongous 20m wingspan and can fly at 15,000 freakin' meters while sending important surveillance information to the troops who are in the safety of their bases.

Terain-Following Radar

This instrument helped pilots to maneuver across Pakistan's valleys especially while cruising in low-altitudes and low-light situations. Installed on the US' MH-60 helicopters (which we will go to next), the Terrain-Following Radar probably played an important role both in navigation and surveillance.

Stealth MH-60 Black Hawk helicopter

They're lean, they're mean and they're definitely armed to the teeth. The MH-60 Black Hawk helicopters come with 3 types of guns with ammo, infra-red jammers, a host of other nifty military-grade devices and space for 11 soldiers. Needless to say, they're like choppers on steroids.

Short-barreled machine guns and assault rifles

Of course you couldn't kill Osama with choppers, radar and Flash Bangs, right? Well you can but it would be really messy. Here's where the short-barreled machine guns and assault rifles like the M4 Assault Rifle and MP7 Submachine Gun enter the picture. They're lightweight and compact enough to bring inside Osama's compound. And, yes, they're high-powered, too, as supported by the corpses found after the dust has settled inside the hideout.
 Posted on: 05/07/11 by Neps Firmalan Tagged as terrorism, Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda, US Navy Seals, army, armed forces, tactics, Taliban


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